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Home > Survey Manager > SM - English > Survey Manager - Excluded Numbers Operator
Survey Manager - Excluded Numbers Operator
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Survey Manager - Excluded Numbers


Welcome to our Sample Management – All-in-One Solution survey platform. As an operator user you can access all the options and view all the tabs of the platform.

Access to the platform 

To login to the platform you must have a username and password.


Platform URL


Excluded Numbers Functionality

To make use of the functionality we have to enter the Settings Module->Excluded numbers



In the module, all created lists of blocked numbers are displayed.


The button works to show the lists:



The table details each of the values:


  • NAME: Name of the list

  • PHONES: Number of blocked numbers.

  • UPDATED: List update date.

  • STATUS: Enabling status of the list.



Also, it allows updating the list . Entered numbers can be removed or deactivated from the list with the 'UPDATE' option .


     Entered numbers can be removed or deactivated from the list with the 'UPDATE' option.


Note: The numbers that are added in the generated lists must maintain the international format.


Remove blocked number list


The first option in the table allows you to select and access the removal from the list.



Click on the icon , then an attention message will be displayed to confirm that the selected list(s) is being deleted.



Confirmation message:


This functionality must be associated with a campaign to activate two features: Add to blocked numbers or Filter blocked numbers.


Add to blocked numbers:


This feature allows to feed the selected list with UIDs marked with a specific PS, which is indicated in the configuration:


  • Select the Call Status (only discarded Phone Status will be shown)

  • Select the list in which the numbers will be stored

  • Then select 'ADD'



  • When configured and active in the campaign, all numbers dialed with the indicated Phone Status will be added to the list and can be viewed when editing the list. 


Filter blocked numbers


This feature compares the numbers of the UIDs with the selected list and if the records coincide, it will not allow the management to start, discarding with the PS indicated in the configuration:


  • Select the Call Status (only discarded Phone Status will be shown)

  • Select the list against which the campaign numbers are compared

  • Then select 'ADD'.



  • When configured and active in the campaign, all UIDs that match the selected list will be discarded with the configured PS and when the interviewer selects 'BRING NEXT RESPONDENT' the message 'number was blocked due to being on a list of excluded numbers' will be displayed.



  • The interviewer must select 'Get new respondent', to manage a new UID.


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